Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Thinking Question #3

Grades at the Permian High School are very low. The kids don't even care about school. What could a school do to get their kids more interested and get their grades up?


  1. The teachers could make their classes more exciting. There are movies about teachers that had the class do work on how it reflected there lives more and if it didn't, they would come up with a way to make it more fun for the students.

  2. Like we do here at SSC, a school can make a student-athlete ineligible if they don't meet a certain academic criteria.....there really isn't much else a school can do....the desire for academic improvement has to be something the student-athlete wants!

    It also helps if the coach can stress academics to the team....if the coach can let the team know that it is important, maybe they will see it as important also....
